Welcome to my GitHub home.

My name is Florian David. I’m a student in Computer Science, Master 2 in France, at Angers’s University. I’m oriented in advanced software developpement, using object-oriented languages in first place. I use several languages and technologies.

You can see my profile page on LinkedIn

These are my main programs on GitHub :

  • Forest fire simulation automaton. Developed in C++, with Qt.
    • Details on project’s page
  • Bridge to construct decision. Developed in Java.
    • Use an expert system that deduces results with forward chaining or/and backward chaining.
  • Urbanisme Planification Problem. Urbanisme placement of roads or vegetable garden Developed in C++, with Qt.
    • Resolution of problems where the goal is to place roads on a field to maximize the number of accessibles parcels, minimizing the ratio real distance and distance by roads between each parcel and each other. More details on project’s page.
  • Android Projects. Some of my android projects: file explorer, bluetooth devices viewer, horses race, …
  • Whisper. A crypted chat application. Developed in Java, on Computer and Android platforms.
    • Crypt communcications between two devices